Pasadena has been Melanie’s home for many, many years. It is where her family built a home, where she attended public school, and the place where she and her husband, CA State Assembly member, Chris Holden raised their five kids. She cherishes the historic neighborhoods, the architecture and the rich cultural experience that Pasadena offers.
Melanie’s professional background has fully prepared her for a career in Real Estate consulting. With a BS degree in Political Science, Summa Cum Laude, from Cal State LA, she went on to found a public affairs consulting firm creating marketing, communications, and business strategies, which helped improve the quality of life in communities throughout California. Her work with non-profits to address homelessness and the needs of children and families, a former Arts Commissioner for the City of Pasadena, and a Founding Board Member for Levitt Pavilion in Memorial Park in Old Town Pasadena, demonstrates her life-long commitment to service, fostering trust, responsiveness and meeting the needs of others.
As a Personal Real Estate Expert and deal closer, Melanie has cultivated the winning blend of ingenuity, solid guidance, integrity, and a ‘do-whatever-it-takes’ mindset. She manages transactions from conception through successful completion, and consistently provides superior customer service, while maintaining exceptionally positive relationships with all her clients beyond the close of the sale.
She is an enthusiastic, proactive problem solver, negotiates and approaches challenges logically. Melanie effectively capitalizes on new and existing market opportunities, and as a NAR Certified Pricing Strategy Advisor, she provides her clients with pricing strategies that are smart and effective.
Melanie’s ultimate goal as a realtor is to achieve results for her clients, and all parties involved. She says, “A happy client at the close of each transaction is her greatest reward.”